Incarnation Cross | The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness

When I see patterns around me as I move through the world, I take note! One topic that kept coming into my field was the Right Angle Cross of Consciousness. I heard multiple people talk about having it, I happened to look at a couple of charts with it, and when I finally ran the chart for my business, that was the Incarnation Cross!

So I figured we should do a deep dive into this cross and find out what it’s all about.

Let’s start where I always start when I talk about Incarnation Crosses >>>

What is an Incarnation Cross?

Our Incarnation Cross is derived from the positions of the Sun and Earth in both columns (Mind and Body) of the Human Design chart: 

Our incarnation cross is not a destiny, destination, or something that automatically happens to us…instead, it is an energy that we shift into through dedication to following our strategy and authority. 

As we shift into this energy, we awaken and our expression as our true self unfolds.

The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness

(This description is relevant to all four variations of the RAX Cross of Consciousness)

This cross is about getting to the bottom of the meaning of life. When people with the RAX of Consciousness allow themselves to be curious about the deepest patterns of what it means to be a soul in a human body, they awaken their consciousness through their human experiences.

They activate themselves, trigger questions in others, and point out things to other people about their existence that they may have overlooked. Sometimes they are the catalyst, and sometimes they are the observer. This is their way of expanding their own consciousness, and the collective consciousness.

As people with this Incarnation Cross approach the world with curiosity, it is normal to try on different people’s viewpoints to expand their view on the world. However, in the end, the actual truth for each person lies inside. The deepest point of our own consciousness is always our personal truth a.k.a. the decisions we make through our Strategy and Authority.

Now, let’s touch on the four different expressions of this cross, which correspond to the 4 different gates that make up the cross. Depending on which one you have in your conscious Sun, you will express this cross differently.

Because there are multiple variations to each Incarnation Cross, I’ve also written about how to find your correct variation.

Conscious Sun in Gate 63 - Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 1

When the Cross of Consciousness 1 looks deeply at life, it forms logical solutions for how humanity can move forward and become better. Doubts are a wonderful opportunity to figure out the truth. However, the way a person with this Cross moves through life will be limited if it is purely logical; they should always allow their Strategy and Authority to take them to the right people and places to expand their mind.

Conscious Sun in Gate 35 - Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 2

This iteration of the Cross of Consciousness is always seeking new experiences in order to expand. There is a craving or drive to experience things deeply and take on new things. This isn’t just about going alone - it’s about bringing people along on the journey of doing things in a new way.

Conscious Sun in Gate 64 - Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 3

This version of the cross thrives when it gains wisdom and awareness by looking backward and making sense of the journey from past to present. However, the mind is limited and cannot figure out everything; only in journeying through life as an open observer and witness to the human experience can this Cross let go of mental pressure and stress. Allow your Strategy and Authority to guide you to the perfect places and people to help you witness a variety of experiences that will help your consciousness grow and develop.

Conscious Sun in Gate 5 - Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 4

The Cross of Consciousness 4 creates expands by going with its own personal flow and rhythm. Life aligns when people who have this cross become deeply devoted to their own rituals and timing, and recognize that everything has a season. There are seasons of rest and seasons of activity, and each individual’s Strategy and Authority will guide their timing. Each season allows for an expansion of consciousness in its unique way.

Living Your Incarnation Cross

So, how do we live our Incarnation Cross? 

I love how Ra Uru Hu explains this:

“Our Incarnation Cross isn’t something that automatically emerges as we go through our deconditioning process, nor does it provide instant gratification...when we function as our differentiated self in the world, our cross literally but quite naturally takes over our life...we don’t awaken to our cross, we awaken in it.”

— The Definitive Book of Human Design

The meaning behind our Cross isn’t always apparent right away. Contemplate it and give it some time to sink in. Experiment with how you might shift into its energy.

Do you have the RAX Cross of Consciousness? Does someone you know? What is your experience?



Make sure to keep in touch!


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