The Relationship Between Human Design and Web3

There is a LOT of noise out there right now about the metaverse and Web 3.0.

Like, a lot. 

Facebook and all of Big Tech are trying to convince us that we will be walking around with Virtual Reality headsets strapped to our faces.

Celebrities are paying a million dollars for Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs (which I personally find really ugly! 😂😂😂 But I get that it has its own community). 

The word NFT itself is constantly trending on Twitter.

Kanye got so annoyed with people asking him about NFTs that he posted a handwritten note about it to Instagram.

There are cryptocurrency coins named after dogs.

There are a lot of finance bros yelling on videos on Youtube.

Bots are spamming every single piece of content out there that mentions crypto.

To put it simply…it’s overwhelming. 

And it’s easy to dismiss. Is this hype? Is this a scam? What are we supposed to do with digital “money” and digital pictures we are buying, and WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS?!

(If you’re still confused about what Web 3.0 is, I love the simplicity of this article.)

I also sense a lot of resistance in the field. Some people don’t want to hear about this. Some people are annoyed by the chatter and just want me to talk about Human Design. Some people don’t feel it’s the right time to jump in, and they are staying away because of all of the FOMO. Some people feel like Web 3.0 is a dystopian way of taking us out of our human reality and turning us into robots.

I understand why a person would feel this way.

And yet, to put it succinctly: I feel that Web 3.0 and everything that comes with it is deeply connected to Human Design, living as our unique soul frequency and the new Paradigm - all things that I constantly talk about on this platform. 

In typical 1/3 Profile fashion, I’ve been researching, experiencing, and learning since last summer. I’ve joined the Quantum Wealth course/community and become an affiliate, bought a varied crypto portfolio, tried metaverse games, read articles, watched videos, observed NFT projects with a willingness to join, attempted to buy a virtual racing horse during Mercury Retrograde against my better judgment…

And most importantly, I’ve received tons of intuitive downloads from Source about the importance of this development in our digital existence and how it can and will change our lives for the better.

This is why I cannot ignore it and feel so excited by the possibilities. 

So, I wanted to share my musings on Web 3.0, and why it is so aligned with Human Design and the deconditioning process we are going through.

  1. Like Human Design, Web 3.0 returns the power back to the individual instead of subjecting us to being owned and used by the people who have the most power.

As we live our Human Design lifestyle/experiment, our primary focus is to return our decision-making to its rightful place: our body’s inner Authority. 

We recognize that we all have a built-in guidance system to help us live the life we are here to experience as an individual.

And YET…we live on a planet that is by and large still in the grips of the last stages of power-hungry hierarchies.

The basis for my work here is that when armed with the knowledge of self on both the body and soul level (Human Design + Astrology + Numerology), we can adapt and thrive in the transition to the Aquarian Age that we are currently experiencing on the planet. 

Web 3.0 is a massive part of that shift. 

Web 3.0 honors our unique expression and wants to find ways to compensate us for our investments of creativity, time, and energy, thus creating a win-win situation.

2. In Web 3.0, our power lies in our interests and excitement, a.k.a. our differentiation!

By putting our energy and money toward those things, we will be generating passive income through investments. As we generate passive income, we will become more and more free.

So many Generators and MGs, in particular, are stymied by how to get out of structures where we feel trapped. In fact, that same journey inspired me to start this blog and business. 

To be honest, up until now, making this transition, in general, hasn’t been easy. It’s not societally supported.

Basically, if you’re saying that you want to use your time and energy in a way that feels good for you, there is a lot structurally and subconsciously in our societies that are deeply against that.

I feel that the ownership provided by Web 3.0 offers the opportunity to gain financial freedom.

And where does that financial freedom come from? What is driving it? 

It’s our own unique interests. By honing in on those and investing in them in the form of crypto, NFTs, the content we create (whether we consider ourselves content creators or not, most of us are contributing to the content on the internet in some way), and most importantly, the communities we support. 

What if instead of consuming other peoples’ content that was supported by ads and sponsorships, we could invest in that community and receive money back as it grew?

3. As our work and physical lives become less centralized, we have more opportunities to create a life that honors our unique design.

So far, the 20th and 21st century has required most of us to go to physical locations for work every day and fit within a centralized structure of a company or organization. These spaces and structures must accommodate so many different people with different energetic needs. It’s just not possible to make it work for everyone.

As we move into working online, location freedom, working from home, or even having more choice over when and how we interact with the structures we are part of, we can design our own lives and control how our auras experience life. 

There will always be jobs that require people to show up in person. And that’s great! The idea is that eventually, only people who thrive in those environments will be working at those jobs. 

With the possibilities of Web 3.0, we will no longer be controlled by centralized structures and forced into environments that don’t work for us.


Do you need to immediately go out and buy crypto or an NFT? No! Is it necessarily the right time for you? Not if your inner Authority says it is. 

Do we have to give in to FOMO? 


All I would say is - watch what is going on with Web 3.0. If you’re not ready to participate, observe. Feel your feelings about the whole thing. Figure out what community means to you and what it would mean to participate in communities (both offline and online) in a way that feels good. 

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.

This is coming! And I personally feel it is a beautiful thing that will open up new possibilities for so many of us.



Make sure to keep in touch!


Incarnation Cross | The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness


Channel 5-15: The Channel of Rhythm