What is Light Language?

Light Language is a form of communication that bypasses human limitations around the meaning of words. As opposed to a language made up of symbols and sounds that we have mutually agreed upon as a society or culture, Light Language has no fixed alphabet. It is a vibrational expression that speaks directly to our soul and DNA. 

When we come in contact with Light Language, what we feel is more important than what we think. It’s best to allow the mind to let go when receiving Light Language. We may receive a message that filters into our minds, but it’s not necessary in order to receive the benefits.

The purpose of Light Language is to shift our energy to a higher frequency than we usually inhabit. It helps our brains enter the receptivity of the Gamma state, which connects multiple areas of our brain. Gamma waves are associated with increased memory recall, sensory perception, focus, processing speed, and creativity.

At the soul level, Light Language can help us heal emotionally and physically, connect to our innate wisdom, activate dormant gifts and truths, and connect to our purpose.


Light Language can be spoken, written, transmitted through binaural beats, danced, signed with the hands, or toned. It is as individual as each channel that brings it through.


Light Language can be used for many things. I use it as a way to heal and evolve. I know that I’m here as a translator for cosmic energy, and Light Language is a human way of bringing that energy to Earth.

I find that I can set a healing intention - something I’m working on, something I want to share with others, or something someone else needs - and I can generate written Light Language that holds a vibration of healing for that specific topic/intention.

I can also bring in β€œnew” information and cosmic activation codes that can help us get unstuck from the sometimes heavy energy we encounter on Earth. While I feel it is incredibly important for us to have an integrated experience as a human here and not try to bypass the complexities of what it means to be alive right now, it is helpful to connect with a higher perspective to keep us moving and evolving!

In the past, I have also activated Light Language in other people who felt they were ready to open up to it.

I have also received light language energy healing from energy healers like Morgan, who created The Healing Mind App. She uses light language in her healing audios, and the results have been potent - you can feel the energy moving in your body as you receive the transmission.


I feel that anyone who is open to the idea can channel Light Language. Ultimately, we will open to it on our soul’s timeline, but if you feel drawn, experiment and see what comes out!

If you are interested in spoken light language, how it feels to hear it, and the healing benefits, I recommend checking out The Healing Mind App, which has on-demand energy healing sessions. Morgan, the Energy Healer who created the app, uses light language in many audios. You can download the app and try it for 7 days free here.


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