Welcome to Pure Generators! What's this site all about?

Hello! Welcome to Pure Generators. My name is Rachel and I’m a 1/3 Sacral Generator.

If you are completely new to Human Design, here is a good place to start to understand what the system is.

I stumbled upon Human Design in May 2019 after spending many years asking myself the big questions:

  • Who am I?

  • Why am I here?

  • What is my purpose?

  • Can work ever be truly fulfilling?

  • What are my strengths?

  • What about my life feels good? What doesn’t feel good?

  • What would be the best way to use my energy?

When I found Human Design, I felt something powerful light up inside me that was both exciting and entirely familiar. I had been learning about astrology and numerology for years, and while learning about my birth chart guided me to unearth some powerful parts of myself, I felt there was something missing.

I was working so hard to create things for myself that I knew were meant to be mine but I didn’t understand how my energy worked. I felt as though I had no control over myself and my energy was inconsistent. I started to feel like I wasn’t capable. The more I pushed myself, the less joy I felt in my life. I thought I was heading the “right” direction, but I ended up with a classic case of burnout.

Finding out about Human Design and being a Generator in particular was so validating. I love work, and I love creating things, but so many of my work experiences had been negative despite the care and energy I put into what I was doing. Finally getting the confirmation of the Generator Strategy of “waiting to respond” has been life-changing, and ever since, I’ve been living it every day. I feel a flow of creativity and trust unlike I’ve ever experienced in my life.

The more I dive into this, the more I see how valuable the Generator/MG life force is. Generators and Manifesting Generators make up 70% of the world! All around me I see people who are frustrated and drained by their jobs, and you can bet that the vast majority of these people are Generators who haven’t figured out how to properly use their energy.

The thing I am most excited about in the world is seeing people dig deep into themselves, learn how they operate, heal their blocks, and free themselves from the conditioning that is holding them back. The most important thing for a Generator or MG is to know ourselves, find out what work energizes us, heal our fears and conditioning that holds us back from pursuing our purpose, develop a deep trust in the universe, and walk forward as our destiny unfolds.

I feel that Generators and MG’s have the potential to be the most self-aware, deeply-connected, dynamic, flowing, and trusting creative people on the planet, and these are the topics I’m the most passionate about. Come along with me as I explore what it means to be a Generator and Manifesting Generator and also look at larger questions of purpose, work, energy, creativity, and our place as humans in a capitalist society.

I am committed to looking at Human Design and spirituality through a lens that honors the realities of the world, including systemic oppression, white supremacy, and capitalism (and the intersection of all those things). Without this context in the world, Human Design doesn’t serve us, plain and simple.

We are transitioning into a New Paradigm and the hierarchical systems are falling.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here or send me an email at rachel@puregenerators.com



Make sure to keep in touch!


Human Design: Where to Begin?