Pure Generators

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The Human Design Format Energies: Channel 42-53 (The Channel of Maturation), Channel 3-60 (The Channel of Mutation), and Channel 9-52 (The Channel of Concentration)

When members of our community who are learning about Human Design have a question about an energetic tendency or pattern in their lives that they can’t explain, I usually go straight to their chart to look at their Format energies! The answer usually reveals itself immediately. The Format energies are the three channels connecting the Root to the Sacral, and these channels have a huge influence on how all of our channels and energies behave. 

The potency of the Format Energies overrides a lot of the other energy dynamics of your chart, which means living in alignment with these channels and/or gates is crucial to living as your true self.

Let’s look at all three channels and the effect they can have on your life!

Here is where to look on your chart:

53-42: The Channel of Maturation

The Channel of Maturation creates cyclical movement of energy. It’s about having a beginning, middle, and end to everything you experience, and then moving on from that experience. The length of the cycles can vary—they can be a minute long, a few hours long, a few days long, a few weeks long, or years long. The important thing is that someone with this channel perseveres to experience the beginning, middle, and end.

If you have this channel, you have to be very careful about what you say “yes” to. This is true for Generators in general, but even if you’re an MG with this channel, you may feel compelled to finish what you start more than the average Manifesting Generator. The cycles may be shorter, but you will still experience them.

Basically, what your Sacral is saying if you have this channel defined or if you’re around someone with this channel is that by feeling a “yes” to something, you’re saying, “Yes, I will be able to complete a beginning, middle, and end.” You can’t know exactly what that will entail at the moment, but it’s a knowing that whatever comes along your path once you’ve embarked, it’s what you are meant to experience. If you say no, it means that no, you don’t have the energy to go through that entire cycle.

The other part of the wisdom of this channel is knowing that the end of a cycle means renewal and a new beginning. Cycles don’t always mean complete endings—you may partner with someone romantically for your entire life, maintain a life-long friendship, or stay in the same job or house for decades. With channel 53-42, you will experience distinct cycles in your relationships with people and places, complete with endings and renewals.

As an example, I have channel 53-42 and, as a Generator, I often dedicate myself to the same energy outlets and relationships for many years. If I reflect on building Pure Generators, I can look back and see the different cycles I’ve experienced, the new beginnings, and endings of certain patterns and work. From the outside looking in, this might not be apparent since my business is still the same name, topic, website, and content. However, to me, the cycles are clear and distinct.

So, the end of a cycle doesn’t always mean the end of something. However, it *can* mean the end of something—we have to be open to where our energy takes us. Reaching the end of the cycle is important because if you don’t finish what you’ve started, you’ll likely experience the same scenarios again and again because you didn’t get everything you needed out of the experience. If you have this channel and try to bail on a job, friendship, relationship, or creative undertaking before you’ve seen it through, you’ll likely encounter the same experience or lesson in your next undertaking (whether you knew it going in or not) until you complete the cycle.

As someone with this channel, I can say that I am now very careful about what I enter into, and I give myself time to allow my Sacral to respond (and make sure to listen to it). If there is even a shred of doubt, I will take my time and allow myself to respond to something over and over before taking action. With this channel, dealing with fear is really important, because if fear stops you, and then you quit, you can’t finish your cycle. If you have Emotional Authority, taking this extra time to make your decision is extra important for you.

This channel is about the journey's experience, not the end goal; it’s about discovery and living something through every moment. It’s also about living through the experience so you can bring back what you learned to share with everyone else—that is the service you’re providing by just being you! I love to think of all of us as having our own mission; by living our design, we are living out that mission.

If you only have gate 53: 

  • You are here to start things and sometimes not finish them. That’s OK for you - internally, you will know when it’s time to leave something behind. If you are forcing yourself to finish things for the sake of finishing them, you can feel very depressed 

  • You are designed to leave things unfinished - books, meals, etc. and not feel bad about it. Innately, you probably don’t feel bad about it, but the conditioning you’ve received through your childhood might make you feel bad. The challenge for you will be to accept the fact that you don’t have to finish everything and lean into the fact that you consistently start things and—only when you’re in contact with the energy of gate 42 by interacting with another aura or a transit— will you be able to finish them. And that’s ok! 

If you only have gate 42:

  • You’re going to feel massive pressure to finish everything you start and also want to get to the end

  • New beginnings are inevitable, and they will be uncomfortable for you, but if you can get past the discomfort, you’ll eventually hit your stride

  • You might feel like you get stuck in things; it’s almost as if you can’t make a new start. But instead of forcing it, let it all conclude naturally. However, don’t beat yourself up for this—know that you’re great at finishing things, and you’re just waiting for a spark from gate 53 to begin something new! Trust the timing of your life and how your energy wants to move.

New! A Modern Guide to Human Design is now available!

3-60: The Channel of Mutation

The Channel of Mutation is about rapid change, bursts of energy, and quantum leaps. It has an on/off pulse, and if you have this channel, you may feel like this is how you progress through life. People with this channel often go through massive, quick changes and never quite know when their next growth spurt will come.

This energy is important because it serves as the catalyst for evolution in humanity—people with this channel bring a sparkle of new and exciting energy to everything they do. If you have this channel, you can be a catalyst for change in the people around you as long as you honor your Strategy and Authority and don’t take action until you’ve waited to respond to something; when you patiently wait for your response, you can be sure that the impact that you’re having on people around you is positive. However, how you affect others should be a by-product of what feels right for your energy, as opposed to the goal itself. 

Channel 3-60 is like going from order, to chaos, to order again, weaving in and out of darkness and light. After you’ve made a quantum leap, you may end up feeling like you’re in a void, unsure of your next move. However, this makes sense… to make something new, everything has to be undone, disassembled, and re-ordered. When you’re in the void, know that the next leap will come at the perfect time, and you can nurture yourself through the time of rest and disorientation. After you see this happen enough times, you’ll begin to trust the process.

With this void energy comes deep creativity and what we like to refer to in Human Design as melancholy— a beautiful, moving, creative sadness. I always think of it as an inky blackness of pure potential and a feminine, creative womb space. When you’re in this space, it can feel like everything in your life is at a standstill, but there is just a lot of creation going on underneath the surface and soon, it will emerge. Every time you go through this experience of darkness, you’ll come out totally new and regenerated 

If you’re a Generator or MG with *only* this channel defined, you would be responding to everything from a place of “Yes, this is going to help with this quantum leap, or “No, it’s not going to help with this quantum leap.” Most people don’t have only this channel, but it does give you an idea of how the Sacral functions - it’s answering yes or no questions based on the energies it’s connected to at the time. 

If you only have gate 3:

  • If you only have gate3, you’ll always feel like you want to do something new. You might feel like you want to surge forward and create something new, but it’s important to wait for the right time (otherwise, you can create chaos). Because you don’t have consistent access to gate 60 (which controls the conditions and timing for your next change), you will need to wait patiently for something with lasting value and deeper meaning (instead of just novelty).

  • If you have gate 3 and not 60, having a certain amount of structure in your daily life is positive. Otherwise, you may find yourself getting depressed. To deal with this, you can experiment to find a schedule that feels good to you.

  • The shadow of this gate is feeling like you are being held back from surging forward, or feeling limited by being in the 3rd-dimensional realm, or like there is a system that’s oppressing your natural expression because you’re ahead of your time. You probably are ahead of your time, but it’s important to allow structure to help your energy of “newness” land and create something meaningful on the Earth plane.

If you only have gate 60:

  • If you have only gate 60, you will feel a deep pressure to make a change, which comes from the Root center. But you won’t be able to push that change—you have to wait for the spark of inspiration for what to do from gate 3. You may feel stuck, but you’re just waiting for the right catalyst for your next move at the right moment.

  • With gate 60, it’s important to become comfortable with this void energy and learn to accept your limitations—after all, limitations breed creativity. When you’re waiting to move forward, you’re marinating in a void of pure potential and creation, with everything happening behind the scenes.

  • What you might perceive as limitations are merely waiting for the right time, and you don’t have to worry because you have a built-in connection to your perfect timing. What you have to wait for is the catalyst for the change, which will come at the right moment.

  • Look at it like this: you’re building the foundation for a fire that will burn for a long time, carefully stacking kindling, keeping the wood dry, and getting everything ready. Then, once you have a flame (the catalyst from gate 3), you’ll be completely ready.

Channel 9-52: The Channel of Concentration

Channel 9-52 is all about putting your energy toward a focused goal. If you have channel 9-52, it’s important that you follow your strategy and authority to wait for that *thing* that really interests you and that you truly want to focus on.

If you have this channel defined, you’re here to improve things, but only the things that ignite interest you - you’re not a martyr, and it can’t be a personal vendetta - it has to be something that is a joy for you and truly holds your attention.

The intense focus of this defined channel will affect your entire bodygraph; you’ll bring a sense of determination and focus to everything you do. The Root center’s pressure is asking you to sit still, and its connection to the Sacral responds to what it wants to focus on. What you don’t want to do is spread yourself too thin because then you won’t be able to direct enough energy to what you’re passionate about. If you have this channel defined, then one of the questions you’re responding to is, “Do I have the energy to focus on this?” And if you’re saying “yes,” then you’re saying, “Yes, I can concentrate on this,” or “No, I cannot.” 

Even though it’s natural to focus on an end goal with this channel, the main reason you’re doing what you’re doing is still about the joy you experience. You’re not doing what you’re doing just to get to the end, but your energy will be focused and determined to carry out the task.

If you only have gate 9:

  • Gate 9 can manifest as an extreme focus on the things that are interesting/exciting. I've observed some people with gate 9 get so engrossed in what they’re doing that they don’t notice people coming up behind them; they block out the world.

  • However, the challenge is that they can’t always get themselves to stay still! So, if you have gate 9, finding some outside motivation or accountability to sit down and tackle your project can be helpful.

  • Gate 9 is also great at handling details and focusing on the small parts of a project, tackling everything that has to be done.

If you only have gate 52:

  • You have a natural stillness and a readiness to focus on something, but sometimes you might not be sure what to focus on.

  • You can feel a lack of focus (because you don’t have a consistent way of knowing what to focus on)and yet this push to focus, and so if you’re expecting yourself to be able to focus  all the time, then you will feel depressed or let down

  • You can approach your whole life like a big meditation–you’re still, calm, and collected, waiting for inspiration for what you want to focus on 

Depression and the Format Energies

The Format Energies are places where it’s natural to experience some depression if you only have a gate and not the whole channel. If we analyze the energies that come together in these channels, it makes sense; the Root center pushes adrenal energy up into the Sacral, where we take action. If we only have a gate, we may not have either the drive we need to move forward, or the clarity on when to take action, resulting in pure pressure with nowhere to direct it.

Here are some examples of the depressive feelings that can arise when you have hanging gates in these channels:

  • Gate 52: depression because you don’t know why you’re sitting still

  • Gate 9: depression over not being able to sit still and focus

  • Gate 3: confusion about what is coming next

  • Gate 60: depression about not being able to move forward (feeling stuck)

  • Gate 53: depression over not being able to finish anything

  • Gate42: feeling depressed about not being able to start something new until you’ve seen the current thing all the way through

What if you don’t have any of these channels and gates defined?

If you don’t have any of these gates or channels defined, it means that you don’t have any consistent energetic themes in this area that dominate your chart, and your main energetic patterns will come from other places in your chart. You will still be exposed to these energies, though, through the people you are around each day and the planetary transits. To get an idea of which Format Energies you may be experiencing most often, take a look at the charts of family members, friends, and colleagues.

When we understand how our gates and channels work, we can give ourselves grace and understanding when we feel like our energy has tendencies that we have been conditioned to believe are inferior. It’s okay to surrender to the pattern of our defined channels and gates, and we don’t have to worry about any gates that we are “missing”– life will bring that other energy to you when you need it. You’re designed to collaborate and get help in those areas, either through other people’s auras or the planetary alignments.

So, which of these gates and channels do you have? What are your experiences with them?



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