We don't need to do it all! The beauty of Projector guidance for a Generator or MG

A few months ago, I wrote about how many of us lose survival skills in the deconditioning process, and how destabilizing that can be.

As the people in my life who are also living the Human Design lifestyle continue on this path and continue to shed layers of what we are not (and embrace what we naturally are), another pattern that I am seeing emerge is that we are all recognizing how freeing it is to get help from other Types in achieving the things we desire and in expressing our unique frequency in the world.

Whereas previously we began to realize that we don’t have to do it all…now we are realizing that we literally can’t! This can be particularly difficult to grasp as Generators and Manifesting Generators, since we have consistent energy every day and often we can manage to cover a lot of bases in our personal lives, jobs, and businesses.

We are here to fire up our Sacral motor with tasks, projects, activities, and undertakings that we feel excited about and expend our energy doing those things. This will look as many different ways as there are people in the world! We can be anything we want. There are no limits. Remember - the Human Design is the how, not the what.

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on what keeps me in my own magic space of doing the things that are satisfying and energizing.

One of the things that has come up over and over is getting guidance for my energy from Projectors that I recognize and resonate with.


Something I’ve noticed is that there is a misunderstanding around what guidance actually is. Guidance is not someone telling you what to do. It’s not someone imposing their truth on you. It’s not even someone who has more knowledge about a given thing than you do. And, of course, any Human Design Type has the potential to help you make your life better, coach you, or help you expand. That’s not limited to Projectors.

In this case, we are simply talking about the mechanics of the Projector aura. The Projector aura is here to penetrate our Generator/MG aura and see possibilities for how we can use our energy. The Projector aura takes us in and can help us get in touch with our own desires, see new possibilities we may have never considered, and hold the vision for what we can grow into.


In the places in our chart where we have consistency, we aren’t here to have vast awareness around how that energy is getting used. It’s just not mechanically possible. We’re too busy living it, using it, and emanating it. So, someone who has an undefined Sacral can often pick up on our frustration and excitement easier than we can.

The world we’ve been living in for the last century wants us to be everything. It wants us to be full of energy, work endless hours, have a clear direction of where we’re going, be great at strategizing and managing ourselves, and be able to see all of our options and possibilities.

The reality is that to do this for ourselves is exhausting and - for most of us - impossible.

This is where it’s helpful to have someone who can assist you in getting clear on your desires, what feels energizing for you, and help you see your options and possibilities. This way you can get back to your sweet spot - getting to do what you love and what energizes you.


This is actually quite simple. It’s the ones that you recognize. Meaning: you can see their genius and appreciate it. They are the people that you resonate with. Not every Projector is qualified to guide you just because they are a Projector, the same way that not everyone would want a Generator or MG to be part of their project just because they have energy. It has to be someone that we feel drawn to. This is how we know that they are someone we should trust with the sacred role of guiding our life force energy.

We can let a Projector know that we would like to receive their guidance by inviting them: asking for their perspective, investing in their services, etc.


I have a team of Projectors who support me in my business every month.

  • Christine Chingono is my virtual assistant who uses her unique Projector perspective on efficiency to help get tasks done in my business. I used to grind away on every little detail of Pure Generators, but now I know that I can ask for the help of someone who will be able to see the best ways to get these things done and do them efficiently. This allows me to focus on my creating and doing.

  • Stephanie Smolders is a business and marketing coach who also uses her knowledge of Human Design and intuitive gifts to support clients. I can come to her with my desires and any places I’ve been feeling less-than-energized or not seeing the results I would like, and she can help me figure out energizing ways to achieve my goals. I have surrendered to the fact that I’m not meant to spend a lot of my time and energy strategizing and holding a vision for myself. I know I can come to her with something I would love to see happen in my business, and she can help guide me to the energy outlets that will feel energizing and satisfying to me.

  • Morgan Sachs (Essentially Morgan) is a Quantum Energy Healer that is brilliant at tuning into any blocks in my energy body, channeling messages and guidance from my higher self, and tuning up my overall energy flow. She’s great at picking up on desires and needs that I’m not even aware of and making recommendations that will keep my energy body in tip-top shape so I am connected to myself and the universe.

I chose these individuals because I recognized their unique talents and felt excited about their zone of genius.

Doing this has allowed me to stop using my energy on things that in some ways I can do because I lived 30+ years of my life as an over-achiever and people-pleaser Double Virgo who tried to be good at everything. But I can’t do that anymore! To assume I don’t need guidance with certain things would be holding myself back.


As always, I love understanding why certain things are happening on Earth right now in the context of this New Paradigm shift we are going through from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

In the Age of Aquarius, the theme is interdependence. Instead of giving all of our power over to gurus, self-help celebrities, or constantly seeking advice from people in our life instead of honoring our inner guidance, we are here to support each other.

We are creating a worldwide community of unique individuals who have things to offer. We can plug into each other’s strengths and create a web of collective good energy and success.

How can you allow other people’s unique frequency and gifts to enhance your life? What are you still doing that you’re only okay at that someone else’s guidance could help you do with ease and expansive results?



Make sure to keep in touch!


Channel 5-15: The Channel of Rhythm


The Hierarchy of Conditioning in Your Undefined Centers