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Human Design Profile - What is Your Role?

Do you know the role you came to play on Planet Earth? Are you here to investigate? Be a role model? Experiment and report on your findings? Come in and save the day with your wisdom? Connect with your community? Enjoy your solitude and flow time with your passions?

You can find out by looking at your Profile!


The Profile calculation is based on the position of your personality Sun/Earth (which is your birthdate as you know it) and your design Sun/Earth in the BodyGraph (which is approximately 88 days before you were born). 

Don’t worry if none of that makes any sense!

If you don’t know your Profile, you can calculate it here.

The Six Profile Lines:

Each of our individual Profiles is made up of two lines. Each line has an energy of its own as well as new energy it forms when combined with one of the other Profile lines (there are 12 possible Profiles).

The six lines described here are part of the I'Ching's influence on Human Design.

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.

As you can see, these six lines are also separated into the upper trigram and lower trigram, which are comprised of "personal" and "interpersonal" themes. 1-3 are considered personal themes, which means they are about the experience of the self. The interpersonal themes are about the experience between the self and the other. 

Your Profile will manifest in your life depending on whether it is conscious or unconscious, as well as what Type you are. It will also affect, and be affected by, many other aspects of your chart. 

Here are the six lines: 

1 - The Investigator

2 - The Hermit

3 - The Martyr

4 - The Opportunist

5 - The Heretic

6 - The Role Model

Don't get too caught up in the names - while some of them might sound rather dramatic (martyr? heretic? hermit?), none of them is negative.

Here is a description of the energy of each line: 

1 - The Investigator

Curious, insecure, empathic, intuitive, and creative, the Investigator energy is driven to get to the truth of everything. Once the truth has been established, confidence emerges. The Investigator is both the student and the teacher. 

2 - The Hermit

The Hermit energy needs ample alone time to be immersed in its interests and natural talents. The keyword for the Hermit is "natural," so much so that it may not even realize that the things that come easily to it are, indeed, special! The world will let it know this and call it out to share itself with the world.

3 - The Martyr

Relatable, anarchic, and constantly evolving, the Martyr is here to try things out. It wants to test the theories that have been established and see how they hold up in the real world. It has bumped into things and learned through trial and error; it understands that everything it has gone through was for a purpose, and there are no mistakes. If a connection (person/place/thing) is not feeding this mutative process of discovery, it will break ties with that thing and open space for the next growth experience. 

4 - The Opportunist

The Opportunist energy is all about externalizing and connecting with its network through its natural friendliness and ability to recognize the resource that is human connection. This isn't just about unconditional friendship, though - if the network isn't reciprocating the energy that was invested into it, it will seek another network. 

5 - The Heretic

Mysterious, paranoid, clever, and pragmatic, the Heretic has a projection field that can convince others that it always has the answer to the solution; it is here to save the day. In reality, it is here to know when to come out, jump in, and share its wisdom, and when to retreat, understanding that it cannot always fix everything (and doesn't need to!). 

6 - The Role Model

The Role Model has a visionary quality - it is all about perspective. Made up of three different stages - experimenter, observer (also known as being “on the roof”), and leader, it matures as it ages and gains a new perspective from each phase. It also has a perfectionist streak since it can see the possibility of a better world. The role model is all about putting in the work of getting its hands dirty, sitting back and reflecting, and then guiding humanity in a new direction. 


There are twelve possible Profile combinations and in each combination, the two numbers come together and harmonize differently.

The first number is conscious, meaning it aligns with your personality. This is the number you will feel that you most embody. Your second number is unconscious, meaning that people will see this in you more than you see it in yourself and it’s the path that your life will take you down naturally.

Knowing our Profile can really help us relax into ourselves. It can explain why we have certain tendencies that maybe we’ve judged our entire lives.

If you’re a 1st line, have you wondered why it comes so naturally for you to get sucked down research holes looking for the truth, when other people can’t be bothered to google?

If you have a 2nd line, have you ever felt weird for needing a lot of alone time?

If you have a 3rd or 6th line, have you ever felt you make too many “mistakes?” or made too many when you were young?

If you have a 4th line, have you ever felt like you desired much deeper connections than other people?

If you have a 5th line, have you ever felt like everyone projects onto you and no one really knows you?


Profile is one of my favorite parts of Human Design because it can help us understand where our energy is best used, and also understand many of our patterns in life.

I’m a 1/3, and knowing this has given me permission to lean into my strengths in my life, relationships, and business. It helped me recognize that what I loved to do was learn, research, observe, experiment, and report back. So, I’ve structured my business to allow me to spend most of my time learning new things, writing about them, speaking about my experiences, creating things in my own space and time, putting things out there and refining as I go, and so many more things.

Before I understood my Profile, I didn’t understand why I always wanted to be learning and studying or why I wanted so much freedom to create in my own space, or why I felt really stressed when I worked on a project long-term without sharing any of it with anyone.

Relaxing into my Profile has been a game-changer!

I’m creating Profile guides for each Profile, which is an amazing way to dive deeper into yours:

See this gallery in the original post



Make sure to keep in touch!