πŸ“š A Modern Guide to Human Design β€” Now Available! πŸ“š

I have some exciting news! 

A few years ago, I thought, "I would like to write a book." I wanted Human Design info to be accessible, visually-appealing, and shared through a loving, balanced, modern lens. It was a true Sacral desire, and I knew I needed to allow it to materialize in alignment with my Strategy and Authorityβ€”through response. I let the desire simmer; I trusted that when the moment was right for the next step, I would know.

When the email arrived in my inbox on a random Wednesday from the person who would become my editor, the burst of energy through my body was undeniable: it was time. 

Last year, I spent the summer holed up in my office, documenting everything I felt someone would need to interpret their chart and begin their own life-changing HD experiment. Sometimes I wrote wearing my cutest sundress while sipping iced tea at a coffee shop, while the vast majority of the time, I camped out on my couch for a week (day and night) feverishly typing away like a greasy, crazed goblin, only emerging for bathroom breaks and food. 

It was a journey, but I loved it.

In about 3 months, with the help of talented editors, we had a book.

A Modern Guide to Human Design is for both beginners and those more experienced in Human Designβ€”it could be your first encounter with the system or for those moments when you need a refresher on who you really are.

Anyway, all of this is to say that the book is now available!

Amazon | Powell's | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop.org

I am so excited for this book to be in your hands!




How I Got a Book Deal in Alignment with My Generator Design


How Generators Can Thrive in Business